Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

It was our first christmas as a married couple and even though I am 20 and married I still woke up at 3:00 a.m. and wanted to open presents but Mason told me to go back to sleep after I told him what time it was. I couldn't go back to sleep after that, I knew everything I was getting but I still couldn't wait to open them. We finally woke up about 8:30 to do our christmas at our house first before we made our way around the valley to our families. It was a perfect christmas.
My Stocking.
Mason's stocking (ha ha of course its camo)
Mason and his new pants.
I got a new camera and I love it!!!
Mason got a powder measure to help him reload.
Mason helped me add to my hoodie collection :)

Mason got a pocket knife in his stocking. He loved it, but his mom wasn't too happy about it since he almost cut his finger off with the last one he had.
Then we went to Mason's mom's house. Kyndra got an awesome scooter.
I showed Sheena my new camera and Kyndra cheesed for a picture from mom.
Kyndra got a Dora doll. She loves Dora (Kyndra knows more spanish then me and she is 2 haha)
Mason and Kyndra
Me and Kyndra (we said smile for the camera and she pulled this cute face)
We went to my moms house and Mason was first to open presents.

Parker got a rocking horse from grandma Cyndi
My mom and dad.

Our last stop of the day was at my grandma and grandpa Falor's house.


  1. What a perfect first Christmas! You'll have to send me copies of the pictures of you guys with Kyn. They are darling!

    Your dad looks excited to go hunting!

  2. So fun! I love that you woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep! Adorable!!
